To order the call

Ukraine, Dnipro city

Knyazya Yaroslava Mudrogo Street 68


For our partners, we deliver orders by Novaya Pochta and Intime. Delivery time in Ukraine takes from 1 day.

When we send orders by Novaya Pochta , our system will automatically inform our partners about sending this service with the number of orders .

In case of any problems with "Novaya Pochta":

• damage in transit.

• Late delivery of cargo ( delivery time 1-2 days).

• Part delivery of the goods

• The incompetence of the staff of "Novaya Pochta".

We help resolve problems quickly and effectively with this company.

Also, two new packages have been created and introduced to our partners for orders, which allow to complete the order, depending on the size and increase the profit of our partners by delivering profitable.